
Patience. Patience isn’t something that comes naturally to me. When my children make poor choices my instinct isn’t to calmly redirect; it is to yell. When the car in front of my is going under the speed limit my instinct is to yell and pound on the horn (yeah I’m that person, sometimes). When the…

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Who am I? I ask myself this question often. For the past almost seven years, the answer has been a mom. Breastfeeding and babywearing were my “thing” I found my friends through these things. I found a job. I found a volunteer opportunity. I created an organization. These parenting acts have been a large part…

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Growing Your Family

One of the topics that pops up in my mom groups (both in person and on Facebook) all the time is how to know when the time is right to grow your family.  When do you know it’s the right (or wrong) time to add another baby?  The tough part about this question is that…

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Traveling WITHOUT Kids

My husband and I were recently blessed with the opportunity to take a trip to Niagara Falls in Canada; without our toddler son.  My mom, bless her heart, offered to fly out from Texas to stay with our son so that my husband and I could go just the two of us and recharge our…

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