You Are Enough

A couple of days ago a good friend sent me a text “please tell me it’s ok to stop nursing, I am drowning” or something to that effect. It got me thinking. We are so hard on ourselves. I mean we were hard on ourselves pre-covid but now? This situation we are living in is…

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The Poor Second Child

Growing up, I always felt a little bit of resentment towards my younger sister (even saying that I feel horrible admitting it.)  Being the older sibling I always felt that she “got away” with things that I never did and she seemed to be granted privileges that I never had.  It seemed as if my…

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Parenting during a Crisis

Posts about the current pandemic situation bombard our social media feed every day.  Now in addition we also have posts about racial and ethnic equality.  It’s overwhelming.  Today alone I’ve seen three blog posts about how to be the best parent during this pandemic but many of them seem to sugarcoat the reality that is…

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Life with a Threenager

If you follow my posts, you might remember that my toddler just turned three in June.  In the last three years I have heard time and time again that three is a difficult age but I never really paid any attention, after all, every age is difficult in its own way.  That said, nothing prepared…

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Toddler Parenting Struggles

People who aren’t close friends often ask me how I have so much great advice and tell me how I seem to really have it together.  Well, prepare to have you mind blown, I really don’t!  The truth is that I am a total hot mess 99% of the time.  I struggle with self-doubt, I’m…

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Preparing for Number Four

I am due to have my fourth baby in about 6 weeks. My oldest turns six in two weeks. I have recently spent a lot of time reflecting on my parenting journey and how differently I am preparing for this baby as opposed to my first. This baby will definitely be my last. I recall…

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Hopes and Wishes for 2019

January is always a time of New Year’s resolutions. It’s a time for making a plan for the New Year and for making goals.  If you are anything like me, you probably start the year off with many of these goals but how many of them are actually realistically achievable and among those, how many…

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Things They Never Told Me: Allergies and Intolerance

Grace was born on January 28, 2013 after a long difficult pregnancy. She was a healthy 9 lbs 14 ounces and aside from some blood sugar issues, had a complication free birth. She latched quickly and seemed to love nursing! When Grace was a month old, she had an episode of vomiting then stopped breathing.…

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Babywearing and Breastfeeding During the Holidays

Babywearing is useful during all seasons, but there are many added perks to wearing during the chaos that is the holiday season. 1) Travel: Airports during the holiday season tend to be even more busy and stressful than normal. The convenience of being about to put your infant in a SSC or reign in a…

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Things They Never Told Me: Baby Blues vs. Postpartum Anxiety

Pregnancy, birth, and the fourth trimester are perhaps the most tumultuous time in a woman’s life. You have hormones, major life changes, sleep deprivation, and exhaustion all combined into one very short period in time. While nine months can feel like an eternity, really it is a very short period of time to experience such…

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