Things they never warned me about: Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Morning sickness.  It goes with pregnancy like peanut butter goes with jelly.  That queasy feeling that you just can’t shake early in pregnancy.  It makes those first joyful weeks miserable for some and turns your former favorite food into a trip to the toilet heaving. But what happens when its more than that?  When it…

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Things they never warned me about!

Recently I was chatting with friends about our birth experiences. Some of us gave birth in a hospital, some at home, some induced, some c-section, some with an epidural, some without. We all have different experiences. The interesting thing I learned is how many of us felt uninformed or unsure about things during our first…

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My son has officially been weaned for about a month and half.  He just turned twenty-two months old at the beginning of April.  When the topic of weaning is brought up in my mommy groups I get asked two questions all of the time: 1) Am I OK with my son weaning and 2) How…

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International Children’s Book Day 2018

Before my son was born, I was an English teacher by trade.  I have a deep seated love for books and reading.  I am the crazy lady who loves the smell of books and old libraries.  My family thinks I am nuts.  Anyone else love books as much as I do?  Each night before bed,…

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