
Occupational Therapy

By Lore Slaughter | August 14, 2020 |

In my post last week (read it HERE) I talked about my older sons’ recent sensory processing diagnosis.  Now that we know the root cause of many of my sons’ behaviors we are working on how to change some of them for the better.  To that end, my son is now receiving occupational therapy –…

Sensory Processing

By Lore Slaughter | August 7, 2020 |

In the past year I’ve posted a few times about what it’s like to have a difficult toddler and to manage problematic behaviors.  I’ve often wondered if his behaviors were my fault or if something else was at play but time and time again I’ve been told that “boys will be boys” and that he’s…

Navigating a Pandemic with 4 Kids

By Nikki | July 30, 2020 |

When Felicity was born I never dreamed a year later we’d find ourselves in the middle of a global pandemic. Locked in our home. Unable to shop, dine out, or even play at the park. My school aged kids were suddenly at home doing so crisis version of remote learning. My kids are 7, 5,…

My Place on the List

By Nikki | July 27, 2020 |

Exercise. I used to dread the word. Exhausting. Something I had to do. Burn calories. Never enough. Never correct. Never right. For so many years I have had the same twisted relationship with exercise as I did with food. It was never a tool that I used in any healthy way. Earlier this year, with…

Adventures in Audiology Pt. 2

By Lore Slaughter | July 17, 2020 |

If you haven’t read my post from last week, please check that out first linked HERE.  My newest baby, Matthew, failed multiple hearing tests at the hospital after birth.  It was devastating and I didn’t know what to expect.  We were referred to the children’s hospital for official testing. When Matthew was about a month…

Adventures in Audiology Pt. 1

By Lore Slaughter | July 10, 2020 |

When you are a brand new mom you have so much running through your mind.  Your body and emotions are both raw and tired and the last thing that you want to hear is that your newborn isn’t “perfect.”  My son turned 6 months old this week.  You might have read my previous post about…

Parenting during a Crisis

By Lore Slaughter | June 12, 2020 |

Posts about the current pandemic situation bombard our social media feed every day.  Now in addition we also have posts about racial and ethnic equality.  It’s overwhelming.  Today alone I’ve seen three blog posts about how to be the best parent during this pandemic but many of them seem to sugarcoat the reality that is…

Flying during a Pandemic

By Lore Slaughter | June 5, 2020 |

Lately, the topic of plane travel seems to come up often in my online mom support groups.  Obviously given the current situation (ya know being a pandemic and all) few people are considering pleasure travel.  What many people are considering though is travel to check on elderly family members or to get and bring family…

On Losing My Cool

By Nikki | May 30, 2020 |

We all do it. There’s tons of memes that are meant to be funny, and often are because they are so relatable. Finally admitting to my best friend that sometimes I yell and being surprised that she does too. Seeing another parent on the edge at the grocery store and feeling their fury deep in…

What Happens at Gigi’s House Hopefully Comes Home?

By Lore Slaughter | May 15, 2020 |

About a month and a half ago, before the virus hit hard here in Connecticut, I decided to travel to Texas to visit my parents.  My husband had military duty in Virginia (a yearly occurrence not due to the virus) and two weeks alone with both boys seemed like a long time so I decided…