
Baby’s First Trip to the Dentist

By Lore Slaughter | February 15, 2019 |

Every February the ADA (American Dental Association) sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month.  This year’s slogan is “brush and clean in between to build a healthy smile.”  Have you taken your child to his or her first dentist appointment yet?  The ADA currently recommends that children should see the dentist for the first time 6…

Take Your Child to the Library

By Lore Slaughter | February 7, 2019 |

Did you know that February 2nd was “Take Your Child to the Library Day?”  It always amazes me how few people take their children to the library.  Not only that, I’m always shocked that people are unaware of all of the benefits and services that local libraries provide.  Last year I was at our local…

I am Not Superwoman…and that is okay!

By Nikki | January 31, 2019 |

Being a parent is perhaps the most humbling experience I have ever had.  There is no way to do it “right” 100% of the time and unfortunately the only way to learn is to do.  And to make mistakes.  So many mistakes. Being  pregnant with my fourth child in 6 years has taken me down…

Preparing for Number Four

By Nikki | January 15, 2019 |

I am due to have my fourth baby in about 6 weeks. My oldest turns six in two weeks. I have recently spent a lot of time reflecting on my parenting journey and how differently I am preparing for this baby as opposed to my first. This baby will definitely be my last. I recall…

Wishes For You… Child Of Mine

By Lore Slaughter | January 10, 2019 |

When I was pregnant, I was fortunate that my aunt threw me a baby shower.  It was a lot fun.  One of the “games” that we played was “wishes for baby.”  Basically, everyone was supposed to write well wishes for my son on a piece of paper and my aunt had plans to put them…

Hopes and Wishes for 2019

By Lore Slaughter | January 3, 2019 |

January is always a time of New Year’s resolutions. It’s a time for making a plan for the New Year and for making goals.  If you are anything like me, you probably start the year off with many of these goals but how many of them are actually realistically achievable and among those, how many…

Things They Never Told Me: The first few hours after birth

By Nikki | December 28, 2018 |

I remember when I was a first time mom.  I asked about 30 million questions about delivery itself; will I poop?  How bad does it really hurt? What if my baby looks weird?  Will they have a cone head?  Will they know who I am?  Does an epidural hurt?  Will I tear?  I mean the…

An Uninvited Christmas Visitor

By Lore Slaughter | December 20, 2018 |

*Note to my readers: If you have been following this blog, you know that my posts are usually advice or review driven in hopes of making another mom’s life easier but this month I decided I wanted to do something a little different.  I hope this story from my childhood makes you laugh or at…

Things They Never Told Me: Allergies and Intolerance

By Nikki | December 10, 2018 |

Grace was born on January 28, 2013 after a long difficult pregnancy. She was a healthy 9 lbs 14 ounces and aside from some blood sugar issues, had a complication free birth. She latched quickly and seemed to love nursing! When Grace was a month old, she had an episode of vomiting then stopped breathing.…

Holiday Traditions

By Lore Slaughter | December 7, 2018 |

The holidays, and in particular Christmas, can be a very stressful time of year but they can also be magical.  I personally have a love/hate relationship with the holidays but seeing the joy in my son’s eyes as he experiences our holiday traditions – some for the first time (or at least the first that…