Movement for Littles!
We are a whole year into this pandemic. I don’t know about you, but my kids are totally over it. We also live in Chicago with its never ending winter and erratic weather. Yesterday we were outside wearing t-shirts and today its freezing and snowing heavily.
I have 3 small active children who crave movement and activity. We honestly used to go walk around Target during the winter just to get out of the house and move our bodies. Obviously these things aren’t as easy to do during COVID times. I have had to be creative to keep them moving and allow them to release that built up energy without destroying my house. Here are some ideas and programs that have helped us. All of these things can be done easily and either just kids or the whole family can join it!
- Go Noodle. This is one of my favorite things that I’ve found during this extended period of being stuck in the house. My oldest daughter used it in school; back when she went to school in person. We have an app for our television but it can be accessed many different ways. There are a ton of catchy videos with fun music and easy moves to get everyone moving. There are things to appeal to all ages. There are also calming videos, affirmations, and some mindfulness activities. Each video is short, only about a minute which keeps my kids engaged and interested. We take turns picking our favorite videos and the whole family joins in on the fun. This program is also great for brain breaks (or movement breaks) to destress from e-learning. My kids r
ate this 10/10.
- Cosmic Kids Yoga. I love doing yoga. Its so calming and allows me to center and focus my mind on movement rather than the 300000 things that I am normally worried about. Cosmic kids introduces children to yoga in fun ways with simple and easy to complete moves set to popular stories and movies. Each episode is about 30 minutes long which makes it the perfect wind down activity before bed. The gentle movements allow them to move their bodies while also being mindful of how they are moving. The guided stories keep them engaged. There is a variety of episodes to choose from and something for everyone.
- Kid directed! To get away from screens, we will sometimes take turns telling the rest of the family to do some movement or activity. My oldest daughter will say “stand on one foot” or “walk around the house 4 times” Each child will get a turn to give out the instructions and everyone participates. Some of the things they come up with are hilarious and everyone usually ends up in a pile of giggles. This activity gets them moving, allows them to be creative, and breaks up the day a bit in a really fun way.
- Debbie Doo on Youtube. For my 4 year old daughter, we will often pull up the Debbie Doo videos on Youtube while her older siblings are doing remote learning. These videos are simple, fun, and interactive. They are really aimed at the preschool age. They use familiar songs and simple moves to get kids moving while having a ton of fun!
Kiboomers on Youtube. This is another one that my 4 year old loves doing. These are definitely aimed at younger kids but they are also silly and funny and my older kids will often join in. These are short and simple videos with animated characters. They are only 2-3 minutes long so perfect for a short brain break or when I need to refocus my kids. Sometimes I will pull one of these up while I’m putting a meal on the table and it helps them to calm their bodies and focus. And dance some of the sillies out before they sit down to eat!
I love movement. I think it has such an important place in all aspects of our daily lives. While things have changed with COVID, I have found ways to keep my kids active. It is so important for their behavior, sleep, and just overall mood. I hope some of these activities will be helpful. Even a few minutes of purposeful movement a day can make a huge difference for a young child!