Breastfeeding Round 2

If you’ve been following my blog posts for the past couple of months, you have read about some of the ways that my two sons are different – and they are VERY different.  Breastfeeding has been no exception. The learning curve has been a bit easier this time since I do have some experience but…

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Balancing Act

Anyone who tells you that the transition from one child to two is easy is lying… unless their children are spaced very far apart.  Becoming a mom of two has been challenging in so many ways and in some cases, challenging in ways that I didn’t expect.   It’s so hard not to compare my two…

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Welcome to the World

My second son, Matthew, was born on January 3rd.  His birth was both traumatic and empowering.  After a rough pregnancy, my team of doctors was fairly convinced that my baby would be arriving early.  His due date was December 26th, the day after Christmas.  I have to admit that I was really worried that he…

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