
Healthcare providers –especially those who specialize in mental health – love to talk about self-care.  “Don’t forget to make time for self-care!” “Self-care is important!” “You deserve self-care too!”  These are all phrases I hear all of the time both from my own providers and from moms reporting back from their providers but I don’t…

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Moms’ Night Out

A little over a month ago, one of the amazing ladies in one of my mom’s groups graciously opened up her home to host a “Moms’ Night Out.”  When is the last time that you got to get out with some fellow moms (without the kiddos) and to have a few laughs and a bit…

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Hopes and Wishes for 2019

January is always a time of New Year’s resolutions. It’s a time for making a plan for the New Year and for making goals.  If you are anything like me, you probably start the year off with many of these goals but how many of them are actually realistically achievable and among those, how many…

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