Posts by Nikki
Weaning. I knew it would happen eventually. As the saying goes, “no one goes to college nursing!” I knew it would be difficult, but I had no idea how difficult. My daughter and I are best friends. I know, I’m her mom, but I’m also her best friend. In a lot of ways she’s also…
Read MoreMy Pledge
A day lasts 24 hours. A year 365 days. When you have a newborn each hour feels like an eternity and a second all in the same breath. They grow so quickly. Each stage lasts entirely too long and flies by entirely too quickly. It’s a strange thing. Newborns cry. A lot. And I often…
Read MoreSetting Limits
Grace was 9 days shy of 2 years old when Brendan was born. She was still nursing multiple times a day (and night!) and I thought that tandem nursing was going to be a wonderful experience. I looked forward to providing comfort and nutrition to both of my babies and thought the transition would be…
Read MoreBreastfeeding During the Holidays…a.k.a. Why I won’t “step into another room”
There’s one in every family. That person who gives you the side eye while nursing your baby. Or perhaps makes comments either directly or under their breath. “Maybe you could cover up?” “The spare room is empty.” “I wish you wouldn’t do that here in front of everyone” These are just a few comments I’ve…
Read MoreDear Body, Thank You
Dear Body, Thank you. Simple words. Deep meaning. My body wasn’t always something I treasured or even liked. For much of my life my body was the focus of someone else’s abuse, and later my own hatred. For 15 years I treated my body with contempt. An eating disorder ravaged my body and my mind.…
Read MoreDear Grace
Dear Grace, I can not believe that in 3 short months you will be 3 years old. Your time with me has impacted my life so greatly that it seems much longer. My girlie. You came into this world on an icy January night. Two hours of pushing a baby we didn’t know was almost…
Read More1 in 4
1 in 4. Statistics say 25% of women will experience a pregnancy loss at some point in their lives. Some before they even know they are pregnant, some early in pregnancy, and some later on. Pregnancy loss touches almost everyone whether you experience it directly, or have a friend or family member experience it.…
Read MoreThe First Latch
Breastfeeding was never on my radar. As a survivor of childhood sexual assault and rape, I had no interest in ever letting someone touch my body in that way. The idea of someone having on demand access to my body sent me back to being 8 years old and unable to say no. I discussed…
Read MoreMotherhood
For some, motherhood comes easy. Some have great role models, wonderful examples of motherhood, amazing memories of their own mothers that they hope to recreate with their children. For some, the road is a little more difficult. I fall in the second group. My childhood was the stuff nightmares are made of. I was born…
Read MorePodcast: Breastfeeding After Sexual Abuse
The Boob Group and I kick off Rumina’s Healing Series with a New Mommy Media Podcast: Breastfeeding After Sexual Abuse. Along with featured expert Diana Sjostrom Psychologist, we discuss how sexual abuse can greatly impact your breastfeeding relationship between you and your baby. What are the main signs of trauma? How can you overcome those emotions and create…
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